

I have over 20 years’ experience working in the urban design and planning fields, I’ve worked in the public and private sectors and developed interests in masterplanning and transport. Yes, transport! Engineers rock! (Except when they’re building gateway features that are just dual-carriageways and hoping no-one will notice. You’re not fooling anyone.) I love 20-minute cities and have a passion for protecting the historic environment. I love to write and started this website as a place to gather my thoughts. Other than that, I love falling down metaphysical rabbit holes and have a penchant for those little cheese samples you get in delis – Grana Padano is my favourite.

Need urban design support?

Contact me if you need help with…

  • Masterplanning
  • Vision Documents
  • Design Codes
  • Townscape Appraisals
  • Conservation Area Character Appraisals and Management Plans
  • Development Management consultations
  • Urban Design and Public Realm SPDs

Want to know a bit more?

Take a look at my CV and Portfolio.